ERA HexaGroup

ERA HexaGroup is the collaboration of multiple ERA Divisions. We are Home Of The Number 1 Champion Team for 3 consecutive years- 2018, 2019 and 2020. Currently, we have about 1000 members that benefited from the support of the group. If you would like to be part of us, checkout the links below.

New AgentExperienced Agent

ERA HexaGroup 6 Core Values

ERA HexaGroup has 6 core values are the pillar of the formation. Every core value is important for the success of the team.

Engaging | Collaborating | Inovating

Inspiring | Evolving | Achieving

Sustainable Achievements

In ERA HexaGroup, we conctantly inovate and inspire each others. Hexa leaders support the group with the latest tools and trainings. Our teammates benefited from the constant support.

Digital Marketing Solutions

ERA HexaGroup teammates are well verse in using digital platforms in their real estate business. This is due to many leaders and teammates sharing their IT knowledge with the team, including website creation, social media marketing, virtual 360 platform, digital calculations and multimedia marketing.

Our Core Values

Engaging | Collaborating | Inspiring 

 Innovating | Evolving | Achieving

ERA Hexa Core Businesses

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ERA Hexa Mentorship

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ERA Project Coach

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Some of Our Activities

Our Support Groups

Hexa Luxe

Luxury Properties

Hexa Commercial

Commercial Properties

Hexa Resale

Resale and Rental

Hexa Project

New Project Launches

Want to be our member? Contact Us Now!

We are looking for like minded teammates to join our group. Feel free to chat with us.

Feel free to contact us


+65 98717240

Email address

Find us

450 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh
Singapore 319394

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Copyright 2021 ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd. (CEA Licence No. L3002382K) and ERASG.SG. (CEA Registration No. R026967D)

Address: Apac Centre, 450 Lor 6 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319394. Tel: +65 98717240 Email: